
July 14, 2009

They're HERE!!!

*Jumping up and down excitedly* The books are here!! The books are here!! i was momentarily hysterical (don't i always...*roll eyes*) when i was handed the much awaited parcel.. syiok banget!!
Here it is...

to: neena kemp

The trilogy;
If I Should Speak
A Voice

Realities of Submission

I've been searching hi n lo for these books for so long and now here they are...
came to me directly from The States



e.l.i.z.@ said...

wah syiok nya dpt buku!
k.eli pun tgh tggu parcel gak..
xdpt²..katanya dh post last friday..shud b by monday dpt..isk heran, esok rabu,xdpt gak..sumthing wrong sumwhere huhuhu

Mustika Shuhairy said...

oh deeda kemp... terpaksa la saya tunggu turn utk membacanya... Ada kena isi form utk tempahan giliran ke?

neena said...

Kak eli:
wah bedariknyer...kalu dh dpt harusla promosi sket...hehehe..kalu xsampai, tpaksala sinsing lengan kat pos opis huhuhu...

ummu thariq:
sila ambil nombor ye...kuikuikui...

O'ol Kemp. said...

bkn dh bace ke if i should speak?
[hek hek..tak puas ati..]

neena said...

dah...tapi dia nk jugak bg along yg baru...sbb dia baik hati cinderella. tentu dia disayang emak.


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