
December 3, 2010

A 'big' deal for a 'little' me

Hi there!! How's everything? Good at least, I hope =).

Well for me, it's been exceptional.
I'm still in Penang, btw. I'm in my hotel room waiting for myself to be ready to go out for some Nasi Kandar action!! heheh..

First off, I sat for an exam today. After hanging on for dear life through the 4-day course, it's time to show what we're worth =). Wasn't expecting the exam to be that big a deal until we've actually been given the question papers. The questions were sealed i-tell-you...and opened in front of our eyes just like all the other formal exams. fuyyoh terus nebes. dub dab dub dab.

International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Related Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10) Certification Coder Level 1 kicked off.

40 questions to answer in 2 hours. 

Basically we have 40 diagnoses to code in 2 hours. Berpoloh-poloh.

We can use anything on the face of the earth to help us do the coding. Except to text or call someone and ask for the code la kan -_-". And of course, our best buddies,

..::Tiga Sekawan::..

It's because the purpose of this whole thing is not the means of HOW u get the code, but getting the CORRECT code for any given diagnoses. But of course you have to know HOW la kan, utk dpt code yg betol.
Betol Betol Betol!!

Here's how it works. All 29 of us will sit for the certification coder Level 1. After that, we'll go and eat our bfast outside the exam room. They'll check our answers straight away, print out the results and paste the results for everyone to see. Only the selected names (hi-lighted, in this case) will sit for the next level.

In order to get to Level 2, you have to get at least 36 over 40. In other words, tidak boleh salah lebih daripada 4. 

The same goes for Level 2. You also need to get at least 36/40. Only 4 wrongs are allowed to continue.

We were told that so far in Malaysia, only ONE person who actually passed Level 2. Only ONE. Tringin nak jumpa orang tu mintak otograf. 

When we sat for the exam this morning, turned out there were a few orang gomen yg dtg semata2 nk exam. Kira otai la dlm bab2 coding-mengoding ni. Mesti dh boring pg kursus. Masuk exam terus senang.

Siyes masa kursus ni, 4 hari dok keje cari code sampai temuntah-muntah!! *tipu*

Lepas habis berhempas-pulas berpeluh-peluh dlm blk aircond jwb soklan Level 1, makan bfast pun tak lalu. *tipu*

Lepas makan, lepak2 borak2 smbl nebes tunggu result. Masa dia tampal result, semua org serbu tgk. So i pi la masuk dalam amik beg dulu sbb nnt dah malu nak amik beg dan keluar membawa diri huhuhu....

Masa amik beg, dengar la sorang cikgu(speaker) ckp kat sapa ntah.
Ada 2 orang je lepas. At least ada jgk sorang wakil private.
 Dlm hati ku berbisik,
Hokk alohhh. 2 org je? Hmmpphh.. nk lunch lama lg pulak nk tunggu...
So i went out and start to look for Su, my friend kt kursus ni yg duduk seblah i hari2 =)

Masa tgh cari Su di tgh2 ribuan (tipu) org yg tgh tgk result, si Dayana menyapa.
La, buat pe amik beg?? U lepas la!! 
Apa pulak....
Iye, cuba tgk tu!
Dua org je la...
La...pi tgk cepat. (siap tarik tangan bagai)

Lambat sikit nk nmpk sbb rabun n ramai org.

Datang pulak sorang lagi.

Tahniah2! Haaa.....beriya je nebes tadi. Tu pegi Gurney Plaza mlm td, kalau tak pegi, dok blk study dpt 100% *menipu je dia ni hahah*
Masih tak percaya sbb this sort of thing doesn't happen to someone like me ok. But it did. Because Allah made it possible. Alhamdulillah..My score was 92.5.

A few more congratulations, and people began to disperse. Malu gilewwww. Telinga panas. Muka merah *tipu*. Jantong dubdab. Tangan menggigil.

Mengendaaaappppp je kat luar pintu sbb malew nk masuk. Only when they started calling my name baru tercendawan-cendawan nk masuk.

The 2 of us sat next to each other. Tapi jauh2 la. Meja panjang. Rupanya yg sorang lg tu geng speaker2 rupanya. Terus rasa kerdil. Dia ada geng, I xde geng. Tak aci pun?

We were informed that we will receive a certificate for passing Level 1 Yeehaw!!

Level 2 starts.


Tapi I was distracted the first few minutes sbb sengih sensorang. Maklomla i xbiasa dlm situasi mcm ni. Skolah dulu kureng. Matric pn kureng. Universiti pn kureng. So maafla kalau akak teruja terlebih.
Culture shock, katanya.

Masa jwb exam asyik la tegaru-garu kepala. Ingatkan kalau garu bole dapat ilham.

Stress. Tiba-tiba dah habis 2jam. I left out 6 questions. Tak sempat doh. SAH-SAH LA TAK LEPAS.

Turun bawah makan lunch sensorang. The speakers pn turun and cakap I dpt 47.5%, Akak sorang lg dpt 50%.

Allah bagi dugaan after dugaan, semua ada hikmahnya. What happened to me was a perfect example of God's undeniable mysteries. Alhamdulillah syukur. Let it be a lesson and a reminder for us all =)

As stated in my fb status,

The event itself was a blessing on it's own, and suddenly I'm blessed with even more blessings. Am so very humbled and thankful..

I was referring to this event. God shows His love in the most unexpected ways. We just have to know where to look.


O'ol Kemp. said...

Waaaa! am proud of you. Naseb bawak nama kemp sama. Kah3..

neena said...

hahah..Yay me!!

cik tim said...

neena, kamooo terror! cz dlm ramai kamoo dh lepas. waaa, itu suda sgt bagooos. sengeh i bace taw :)

neena said...

mekasih cik tim!!!! I lap uuuu

I pon terharu hihi rezeki =)

mis_hareena said...

congrates my dear!!!! proud of you!!! hihiihi......

neena said...

thanks ajie chem!! Alhamdulillah...=)


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