born: october 11th 2008
colour: black
when i first saw her. she was drenched. it was a downpour before i came and get her. poor thing. sedih jek tgk dia dlm keadaan sebegitu ghuper. nonetheless, i'm very very thankful. syukur Alhamdulillah....tak semua orang dapat peluang macam ni. like my father said, "now you don't have to rely on others anymore". he's definitely right.
It's not that i was in desperate need of a's just that i'm tired of having to ask for help each time i get errands from my supervisor, having to frantically search for a cab everytime one of my parents came over to kl so i can meet them before it gets dark, having to be drenched and shivering in the rain to meet my dad in kl, having to ask for a ride or call a cab just to get to the commuter station, having to wait for the weekend just so i can go out on my own and withdraw some money....hmmm...but i'm thankful. it wasn't the best life but i know there's always someone out there who's got it much much worst than me.
and now, it's like a huge truck has been lifted away from my i can go over to my aunt's by myself without them having to pick me up and send me back. now i can go back to jb by myself without having to ride with my aunt's family and getting her children all crammed up coz of my oversized (my hips never tell a lie lol) and my luggage...?....u don't wanna know.
wanna see how she looks like? here she is.....
pose, darling, pose...that's it! gimme more attitude!!! ;p
even though her tag (plate no) wasn't exactly what i would have hoped for, -we were at wits end trying to somehow get my fav numbers on her but i guess it just wasn't meant to be...maybe my next car? *wink wink*- i'm beyond grateful. *extra huge grin*
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