
September 11, 2009


it's been a while, i know. i forgot to blog about the results for my second blood test. so it's confirmed. beta thalassemia minor, to be exact. no biggie. it's just that i'm probably slightly paler than most people. And as i mentioned before, I may COLLAPSE anytime. not funny.

so the thing is, when i get married...let me rephrase...IF i get married, i must make sure that my future husband isnt thalassemic too. hmmph. btw, i had a dream last night. mimpi kena patuk ular. does this have anything to do with anything? nah...probably not. not for me at least..huhu..

Natijahnya, "Sudahkah anda menjalani ujian talasemia?"


Anonymous said...

Lovely post! Heard about the disease but not getting married yet. LOL! Dropping by...

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Yana Ismail said...

salam kenal :D

Hehe blum buat ujian lg..hehe patuk ular bkn ada org nak msk minang ke?ekeke kalau tk slhla..heee

neena said...

IMCurtain: thanks..visiting yr blogging community right now..=)

Princess Liyana: Salam kenal gak. calon xbrp nk ada tu yg musykil sket tuh..neway thanks for dropping by...slamat bpuasa.

misz beauty said...

ahaks... kene patuk ular ye... huhuhuuu;-p

Pam Song said...

Yes, I've been tested. =p

The doctors thought that I might be Thalassemic cos I'm crazy pale, too. That and cos my white blood count was marked way higher than my red blood count. Haha. What can I say? I have weird blood. =p

But no, I'm officially not Thalassemic. I'm just Anaemic. Not that that's much better cos it means that I have less Oxygen passing through my veins at any one pump. Bleh. Oh well...

neena said...

Hi Pam! Just saw yr comment. Thanks for dropping by. *blushes*

Yes I must admit u do look pale. In a good way, that is =). Been a tinkitalk reader for quite sometime now. Good luck with the wedding gown-picking frenzy!!

neena said...

Oops my bad. A little typo there. It's Tinki Talks with and 's' lol


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