
January 28, 2009

Went to the AJL last Sunday…It was kind of a last minute thing. Extra tickets n puppy eyes n stuff. Didn’t even remember to bring my camera along…!#@$%^&… It was really something. Glad that the one time I get to go, it was a heck of a show. Everyone was superb. Spectacular, I must say.

Ok. Since the internet is bit loco today, I’m composing this in Word. So bolela ceghita panjang2 sket sbb xleh nk surf bagai.

So. We arrived at 8 and hung around the red carpet for a while…saw Que Haidar with Linda ‘fcourse…, Awal, Dyg Nurfaizah, Tam, Edlin, Akma, Farish, VJ Utt with hana Elite??, Fazura (GOR-GEOUS!!) , Fara dhiya(camni ke eja?), Zizi Ezzette(again, camtu ke eja?), Hattan (I’m telling u, I really thot my DAD was walking along the red carpet, seriously..), Nora (with her hubby n sons), a few pondans ( I swear, they really put a lot of effort into looking like REAL women…like whatthe^$%# and why the heck are they strolling down the carpet like they’re sum kinda celebrity?), and a few others yg tak brapa nk dikenal pasti identity mereka…uuuu smpt gak Abg Nas melodi (Fz pnggl Abg Ketak-ketak) sengih2 lalu dpn kitorang…

We sat exactly in the middle, facing the stage thankfully, but unfortunately, way at the topmost box (so we can see everythingß-menyedapkan hati dan perasaan).

I scanned thru evrythng, trying to take it all in. Overwhelming…
As most of u already now, the opening act simply ROCKS!! I was lucky there weren’t any flies in the stadium or else I would’ve choked on a few of ‘em with my mouth gaping like that. That was enuff to get everyone started. And it was only the beginning.

Faizal Tahir was A.MA.ZING. His vocals in Coba was very impressive and Sampai Syurga was simply MTV music-video-worthy

I just found out that the adorable kids from Idola Kecil (HUGE fan, okay) performed near the end of the show. And I was like, WHAAAA……T! nk tgk huwaaa!!
Thus(pekeheynye thus bagai), I searched frantically through Tv3’s website inside and out…and still couldn’t find last night’s show...apparently they refuse to put it up bcoz they don’t freakin want people to freakin WATCH IT!! Memeylerr chekodoq…(bkn memey suhaiza uhuk uhuk)

Ok enuff of this ranting…back to work people. I mean, back to work, neena.

before i forgot. there was an episode right before we went home.

ok. here's what happened. when we first entered the entrance, (bakpo eh enter-entrance? hmmph) diorang tak kasi bwk msk camera n botol air. BOTOL AIR !#%$.... the rest of us managed to get pass the security but somehow jie didnt. the guard asked for her battery(camera). disebabkan time tu agak kalut nk masuk n dia siap ugut "saya dh halau dh brapa org tadi sbb tanak bg camera..keta awk jauh ke saya tak peduli" cheh!!! so jie gave in n surrendered her battery as not to create a scene. botol air tercinta jie pn dia suh tinggal kat luar. Then she asked for his phone no. so it's easier to collect her battery later. and they agreed to meet at the same place later in the night..

So there we were, at the end of the AJL, ready to head home, but before that, tipon security nk mintak bateri camera. bole plak dia ckp turun pegi tpt dia berada nk collect whatthe?? kata nk jmp kat sini, ada plak kita nk pegi jmp dia. dia yg sebok2 nk amik bateri orang. lepas membebel2 dlm telefon, last2 dia naik gak...and dia kuarkan bateri dlm kocek dia..guess wat, ada la dua tiga butir je bateri yg ada dlm simpanan dia, padahal yg masuk bekoyan-koyan! sabajela. pastu kitorang pn tanya la, mana pegi botol air. boleh dia ckp dgn muka xde perasaan, cleaner dh buang?? hapelagi, hangen la satu badan!!

I dh start membebel. I was on a roll. Nothing could stop me. The moment I stepped up front, the moment my Fasha Sandha voice surfaced, I was invincible. I may come across as a nerdy geek, but when it comes to practicing human rights, I am on top of my game. I guess the human rights course I took few years back was worth it after all. harusla i berbahas dgn sepenuh jiwa raga malam tu. dah habis cakap, terus berpaling and blah...WAH! cambagus x? agakla...huih penat menaip...the end.

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