
July 29, 2008

birthday boys

last week we celebrated these 2 dudes' birthday...

Mus and Shashi

well u figure out which one's which...

presenting 'hamlet' the birthday cake, saying..."to be eaten , or not to be eaten. that is the question"

ecececeh...tewah tewah...

foohhh...ptuii....oppp gigi tecabot..

Cak!!! ini dia kak amy kita...merangkap pengerusi majlis ye, amat ye...

Bz Bz Bz....

Let's party!!!

Hep...hep...nk kena babab kak amy ni...

kak amy besama tetamu2 yg turut sama memeriahkan majlis chewah!

sila telengkan kepala anda. dh upload, lupa nk pusing...malas kuikui...

Look at what we did to keta mus...dengan masa yg sangat suntuk and tangan yg mengigil-gigil takut kedapatan dgn tuan punya keta sblm tiba waktunya.
Dhler masa tgh nebes2 menjahanamkan keta, dtgla pulak pak guard dok tanya sahsiah keluarga dan sebagainyer kat ktorang. memula dia igt kitorang( i ngan kak amy ye yg wat keje2 amal ni) kacau keta org kot. slps ktorang citer nk kenakan member sempena bday dia, stat la pulak dia nk beborak...layan je ler....

his first words..."HARAM JADAH!!!"

kashian deh loe...

kebetulan that day gaji br masuk...ktorang pn konon2 nk tmpg mus pi bank...keta sumer jauh...mintak dia anta kitorang sikit2 pi keta...padahal nk turun tgk keta dia smbl mengambil gamba. yg witness the look on his face when he took the first look at his beloved car. WAHKAHKAH *gelak evil*



neena said...

yes u did. of course...sure....yup.

Anonymous said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaa............bestnye korang celebrate bday budak org tuh..huhuhu..wish i cud b there...

neena said...

hehe...sabo ye...xpe2. nnt kita pi jln2 ek...alalala bucuk bucuk busuq


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