Geramnyer...comey kan? terus mintak izin kat toke...bole amik gamba tak? ekeke...
okay. on with the more serious stuff. We went to Little Penang Cafe KLCC aritu.
time tu lunch time...ramai gak org nk makan ctu upenyer..
Here's what we ordered...
O'ol had Laksa Asam
My dad had the famous Char Kue Tiaw (just talking about it makes my mouth water)
My mom ordered
I tried
Nazrin had Nasi Lemak??? Ntahler...Sukati dia la nk mkn apapon kan?
And all of us had one of these each. ABC, cendol and red ruby. I amik cendol...uih sedapp...
We also went to tgif. 'twas fun.
My mom had ribs
and my dad had
While the three of us had a three-course meal each..
and of course, our deserrrrrrtssss....yummm!!!
Simply delish!! tp time dessert tu kitorang dh mcm nk meletop dah..kenyang bangettt!!
And tak dlupakan juga, my omelette ms dlm flight..
Owh and we had this Turkish Ice cream somewhere around bukit bintang..the ice-cream man siap nyanyi2 lagi masa scoopkan eskim kitorang..lagu turki..tiap2 kali ada org beli, dia nyanyi2 sambey scoop eskim pastu dia ketuk bell kat atas pala dia...ekeke...
eskim dia bes...xjatuh..;p siyes!
tak sah kalu balik johor xmakan otak2..dapnyer
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