
August 26, 2010

This post is dedicated to zaza

Hi zaza! Sorry it took me quite some time to prepare this for you. Ok here goes.

Before i start, let me warn u that i'm no good with estimation. (even in math T_T)
So semua ingredient kena budget-budget sendiri lah ye. Ikut citarasa masing-masing kununnyer. Ampunkan makcik..

Bahan-bahan A
- Bawang besar bawang putih
- Cili/cabai/cabik
(ada orang tumbuk, kitorang potong2 je nmpk menarik sket =p)

 Bahan-Bahan B
- Daging (dipotong/dihiris)
- Udang (kalu besar sgt potong je)
- Kentang (potong kiub)

Bahan-Bahan C
- Tauhu Kering (gunting pendek-pendek, rendam dulu)
- Sayur kacang (potong pendek-pendek)
- Kulat hitam (rendam dulu)
- Baby jagung (potong2)
- Santan
- Su'un (rendam dulu)

cendawan/kulat hitam kering

Cara-cara membuatnya
- Mula-mula, tumis Bahan-Bahan A
- Sambil tu, serbuk/bumbu bubur pedas kita larutkan dlm air ye.
- Agak-agak bau dh naik, masukkan Bahan-Bahan B
- Kacau-kacau sikit smpi empuk(wah, empuk!), dah boleh masuk perencah/serbuk/bumbu dgn air-air tu sumer.
- Dah mendidih sikit tu, masuk Bahan-Bahan C
- Kalu nk menarik n sedap sikit, masukkan hirisan pucuk buas
- Kalu pekat sgt bolela tambah air sikit-sikit tp jgn smpi cair sgt pulok
- Bubuh garam jangan lupa...

Ok. Selamat mencuba! 

contoh bubur pedas xcukup bahan and xcukup lighting

bubur pedas dari google =)

August 24, 2010

Okay okay...this shall be my last video for this month.

Hahah!! Yeah i know i've been posting up video after video lately. Can't help it. Promise this will be my last. For this month, at least  ^_^

Ok. I just HAVE to share this song with you. It's definitely my favourite track from Maher Zain. It keeps tugging at my heart strings everytime i listen to it. Keeps me reminded that I'm never alone. Allah will always be there for me. No matter how SHITTY I may be.

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost and
That you're so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that it's way too late
You’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way x2

Insyaallah x3
Insya Allah we’ll find the way

August 23, 2010

I do believe he's delusional, don't you?

For the love of GOD, what da?? So full of hatred for such an old man. 

Just DON'T START, grandpa. You have absolutely no idea what you're getting yourself into. You can insult muslims all you want, for all i care. For we are merely human beings. But NEVER insult ISLAM.

With all due respect, that's just plain ignorant. Research all the way through before you start saying anything harsh and hurtful. What are we teaching the kids? Saja je menguji kesabaran di bulan Ramadhan, tau. Peace, people. Peace. Love for all..muslims AND non-muslims. No haters, ok?

August 21, 2010

One of God's gifts

I came across this amazingly beautiful recitations of the Quran that's been going around on Facebook these few days. I was blown away. You will be too. Trust me. Listen..


Breathtaking isn't it? MashaAllah..His name is Mohammed Taha Al Junayd. That was him leading a prayer. This young lad has quite the good looks too, i must say =p

Here's some more.


Eh eh!! Jangan lupa tonton Kalamullah @TV3 bersama Ustazah Asni Mansor dgn Qari dan Qariah kecil yang comel lotey yang mengaji dgn taranum yg sedap dan mendayu-dayu dan comel sekali sampai terharu. *bukak mata besar-besar*
....contohnya Adik Ammar wink wink. Sampai menangis Ustazah dibuatnya. (cheh, dibuatnya bagai)

Have a blessed Ramadhan my friends.

August 18, 2010

Ramadhan so far?

So how's Ramadhan so far? We are all praying for the best for ourselves, our family, our friends, our fellow muslims and everyone all across the globe. That's for sure. May Allah bless us all and give us the strength to face His challenges. InsyaAllah.

On a lighter note, can't wait for September. That's when my sister will be back for the holidays and that will be the time when I will fly back to KL to meet everybody!! InsyaAllah...(tiket pon blom beli. Nk kena babap nih!)

Been watching reruns of Nur Kasih every morning at 5..dh brp kali ulang, still sengih sorang2 kalu tgk. Haisshhh.. Cubala concentrate beribadat di pagi Ramadhan yg hening, baru la berbaloi-baloi. Godaan tol Nur Kasih ni. Hahah!! Nak sabar mcm Aidil konon (inside joke ehem fiza)

Oklah. Before we get too excited, let's just collect all the good points and all the hidden treasures that GOD has prepared for us to find throughout this holy month, shall we??

Have a blessed month people!! *Hugs and kisses*

*Itching to delete my last post. Me no likey. Emosi terlampau melampau*

August 16, 2010

Maaf saya HIPOKRIT

Sorry to burden u with such trivial, self-absorbed matter of mine. Need NOT continue reading if you have much better things to do. Just have to get a few things out of my system. In the hope that it will be a much needed therapy. God willing.

Saya sedaya upaya cuba mengingatkan diri untuk Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Or, my preferred version, One should not treat others in ways one would not like to be treated . I try to live by this saying as much as i can. Tetapi sebagai hamba Allah yg hina, saya kerap terlupa. Dan tanpa sedar, atau mungkin juga DALAM sedar, kita menyakiti hati dan perasaan orang lain. Ini saya akui sangat-sangat. Sangat. Saya menyesal. Tapi ini tidak menjamin saya tidak akan mengulanginya. Definitely not. But i'll try.

Ok. Ini cuma luahan perasaan saya. Sila abaikan.

Saya sangat2 memohon, tolong jangan mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan saya. Kerana saya tahu anda tahu bahawa saya tidak mampu untuk berbuat apa-apa. Saya lemah. Sekalipun bukan sebagai sahabat atau kenalan, anggaplah saya sebagai seorang manusia biasa yang punya hati dan perasaan. Sukar. Bagi saya untuk menolak. Bagi saya untuk berkata tidak. Kepada anda-anda yang dekat di hati saya. Tetapi jika saya dekat di hati anda, anda juga tahu. Dan jika saya tahu anda tahu, mungkin lebih mudah. Untuk saya, bukan menolak, tapi menyatakan yang seadanya sekiranya saya tidak mampu. Itu jika saya tahu anda tahu siapa saya. Tapi saya sedar. Saya tidak boleh menuntut orang untuk selalu memahami saya. Bukan saya seorang sahaja yang hidup di dunia.

Dengan tidak berkata tidak walaupun sebenarnya saya tidak mampu, bukan bermakna saya tidak ikhlas. Tetapi hanya Tuhan yang tahu keikhlasan kita. Saya tidak mahu mengeluh, tetapi saya sedih. Cuma sedih. Mungkin lain kisahnya jika anda seorang yang jauh dari lingkungan hidup saya. I do it because i care. Please don't take advantage of it and turn it into something that's not-so-caring any more. Because I DO care.

Sekali, seikhlasnya saya gembira kerana diberi peluang untuk menolong.
Dua kali, saya faham mungkin tidak disengajakan.
Tiga kali, mungkin terlupa, cuma manusia biasa.
Sekiranya BUDI yang kita caturkan di sini, insyaAllah saya lebih gembira kerana boleh dibawa untuk berjumpa Tuhan walaupun sedikit. Tapi di sini, saya risaukan masa depan. Apa yang berlaku sekiranya dibiar berlarutan.

Saya bukan Nabi. Saya tidak istimewa. Saya marah. Saya geram. Saya kesal. Saya pasti saya juga hipokrit kerana berjaya menutup semua itu dengan kain lutsinar dan saya berjalan bersama kain lutsinar itu setiap hari. Tapi saya bersyukur kerana sifat mudah lupa kadangkala menguntungkan saya. Mungkin esok saya akan lupa, cuma saya harap anda tidak mengingatkan saya dengan mengulanginya dan saya akan kembali membawa kain lutsinar yang sudah berapa kali cuba dibuang tetapi tetap tersimpan rapi di dalam kocek hati.

Ramai yang bencikan hipokrit. Maaf.


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