
August 21, 2010

One of God's gifts

I came across this amazingly beautiful recitations of the Quran that's been going around on Facebook these few days. I was blown away. You will be too. Trust me. Listen..


Breathtaking isn't it? MashaAllah..His name is Mohammed Taha Al Junayd. That was him leading a prayer. This young lad has quite the good looks too, i must say =p

Here's some more.


Eh eh!! Jangan lupa tonton Kalamullah @TV3 bersama Ustazah Asni Mansor dgn Qari dan Qariah kecil yang comel lotey yang mengaji dgn taranum yg sedap dan mendayu-dayu dan comel sekali sampai terharu. *bukak mata besar-besar*
....contohnya Adik Ammar wink wink. Sampai menangis Ustazah dibuatnya. (cheh, dibuatnya bagai)

Have a blessed Ramadhan my friends.

1 comment:

zaza said...

subhanallah.. sgt syahdu...


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